US and World news — 22/12/2021

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    NATO’s provocative actions in the Black Sea, among other things, indicate a mood against the Russian Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline project. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, her words are transmitted by TASS.

    The diplomat noted that the provocations point to the «wild allergy» of the United States and other countries of the North Atlantic Alliance to the pipeline. At the same time, according to her, Nord Stream-2 is a profitable project in the energy sector for the entire European region and individual countries.

    On December 8, it became known that the Russian Foreign Ministry handed over a protest note to the US Embassy in Moscow, in which it threatened Washington with dangerous consequences if NATO continues to go on provocations near the borders of Russia. Zakharova noted that we are talking, among other things, about combat aviation flights and maneuvers of Navy ships in the Black Sea.

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